
Thursday 13 September 2012


So Iv been drawing a lot of eyes recently, some of these I'm sharing aren't actually finished yet but from my imagination sprung further idea's....I like makeup i use it like I'm putting art on skin, why not shoot and style/makeup a model to use as further inspiration for this theme.

For now these are my results.

Hope you enjoy :)

In this canvas i am building up layers and layers of paint before its finished i want it to be a really tactile  piece to touch and look at.

This is a version of the Eye In Inks just sold. I really enjoyed using more inks again, the results i found were a bit unpredictable but ended up turning out great on this one!

                                                                                       Dripping ? Tears? Eyes in watercolour pencil                              and inks i was scribbling away at last night.

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